BIM Manager (SP)


Economical quality

Cost planning and management


Construction cost planning


Understanding the procedures to produce a construction cost planning

Finding market opportunities for energy efficiency investments and cost savings.

Managing cost control

Applying costs planning and estimating construction budget.

Naming and describing construction processes. Performing tasks of organizing and preparing investments. Performing construction quantity calculations.

Proposing solutions and planning costs for building renovation.

Evaluating cost development over time

Evaluating the feasibility of design and methodological solutions

Evaluating costs of modernisation and optimization measures in existing buildings

Using BIM tools to access costs databases and models

Selecting and applying for funding opportunities for sustainable construction



Energy Management


Renewable Energy communities (smart neighbourhoods)


Understanding the concept of the renewable energy community

Managing energy distribution network

Understanding the concept of smart grids and connectivity of energy systems

Proposing basic solutions to energy generation in a cluster scale

Determining the energy system concept

Engineering energy systems to be integrated

Evaluating the feasibility to a cluster become a renewable energy community

Assuring the quality of energy systems installation

Installing and maintaining different energy generation and conversion systems

Commissioning energy systems


Sustainable materials


Regenerative materials and technologies


Understanding the importance of using nature-based materials in a building construction.

Selecting nature-based materials. Applying technical standards and regulations.

Evaluating and proposing building materials according to ecological factors and primary energy consumption.

Assuring the quality of nature-based materials installation.

Engineering structural solutions using nature-based technologies.

Performing materials maintenance

Developing and optimising solutions for nature-based materials. Creating new applications for nature-based materials.

Installing specific non-conventional nature-based materials according to the proposed techniques (e.g., earth blocks, straw bales, hempcrete, etc).


Innovative Digital Solutions

Building Information Modelling


Operation of BIM systems


Understanding the BIM process

Integrating Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) methods in a BIM model

Integrating Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCC) in the BIM process

Creating a digital twin through a BIM process

Applying BIM data management

Designing according to BIM principles

Verifying the compliance to regulatory methods using dynamic building modelling

Using 3D scanner technologies to model existing buildings

Designing and engineering solutions through BIM models

Using the BIM model for construction planning and costing

Evaluating and monitoring non-conformities on the site construction

Managing and updating the BIM model during design, construction and as-built stages

Interdisciplinary Skills

Quality assurance


Quality assurance planning and management


Understanding the contents of quality assurance planning

Discussing the basic quality control for a renewable energy product

Defining the integrated design approach in the project

Proposing and selecting legal responsibilities of quality assurance auditing

Proposing and selecting the quality procedures in relation to the Quality Assurance

Determining the Quality Assurance auditing concept

Determining Environmental Management (EM) Quality Assurance concepts

Developing Quality Assurance Plan

Collaboration and Communication


Motivation and communication - Design Team


Understanding effective communication technics

Communicating design

Providing advisory service for clients

Information management


Management of information in a design process


Understanding the importance of multidisciplinary management of information

Analyzing costs, risks and market value

Managing evidence-based design decisions

Managing information between interface stakeholders

Commissioning the project, using BIM

Safety assurance


Risk prevention, safety and health of workers


Understanding occupational safety and health (OSH)

Providing employees with safety training

Providing employers with safety training

Proposing conceptual model for occupational safety and health